Serve Wisconsin

As the state’s administrator for federal AmeriCorps funds, Serve Wisconsin provides grants to nonprofit organizations that have been selected to run AmeriCorps programs. Serve Wisconsin provides training and technical assistance and monitors these organizations to ensure that they adhere to all federal rules and regulations related to their AmeriCorps grants. Currently, Serve Wisconsin oversees 26 AmeriCorps programs in Wisconsin with 2 of them being at Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS): Community Corps and Recovery Corps.

Wisconsin National and Community Service Board

The Wisconsin National & Community Service Board (WNCSB) consists of 21 members. Sixteen voting members are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor of Wisconsin. Additionally, there are four non-voting, ex-officio members from state agencies and one ex-officio member from the AmeriCorps North Central regional office. 

The mission of the WNCSB is to promote, train, and allocate resources to programs that enrich lives and communities through service and volunteerism.


During the 2022-2023 program year, 625 AmeriCorps members served nearly 500,000 hours in Wisconsin communities with the following results:

  • 133 Pre-K students, 19,154 K-12 students, and 1,519 post-secondary students participated in AmeriCorps educational support programing
  • 9,060 students participated in tutoring, academic coaching, extended learning, and after school programs
  • 1,551 students participated in after-school and extended learning programs
  • 900 high school students completed college preparation and academic support programs
  • 1,519 economically disadvantaged college students with unique or exceptional needs participated in an academic support program
  • 3,966 students received nutrition education
  • 8,240 individuals participated in health-based programming focused on health education, healthy living, health care access, community resource navigation, or recovery from substance addiction
  • 8,014 individuals had improved access to medical care
  • 880 individuals with disabilities participated in therapeutic recreational activities
  • 28 veterans and 85 family members participated in weekend camps for veterans and their families
  • 5 single-family homes were constructed and sold to low-income individuals, families, or people with disabilities
  • 899 homeless or runaway youth returned home or to a safe alternative placement and 913 youth facing housing insecurity received face to face crisis intervention services
  • 537 acres of parks or public land and 42 miles of trails and rivers were improved
  • 6,279 individuals received environmental education
  • 74 organizations received capacity building services to make positive changes in their level of competence and/or greater levels of success


Interested in learning more about service in Wisconsin?

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Each month, Serve Wisconsin publishes a newsletter that contains updates and recognitions from all AmeriCorps programs across the state. To view previous issues of the newsletter, or to subscribe, click here!